Address: 281 Main Street
Huntington, NY 11743
Phone Number: (631) 427-8500
Fax: (631) 421-1225
Office Hours: Monday through Saturday 10am-6pm
Please feel free to use the following parking lots in town, which will allow you unlimited time & free parking:
North Avenue Lot
New York Avenue approximately
2 blocks north of Main Street
Gerard Street Lot
directly across the street from
Huntington Post Office
West Main Street Lot
west end of Main Street
parking between Rite Aid & Wild by Nature and
rear entrance of Golden Dolphin
East Carver Street Lot
East Carver Street and New York Avenue
(south of Main Street, east of NY Avenue)
Upper Elm Street Lot
at top of hill after passing Elm Street Lot
Clinton Street Lot
at Clinton and Main (near entrance to
Dunkin Donuts, Jonathan's, etc.)
Huntington Post Office Lot
55 Gerard Street
New Street Lot
on New Street between
Main and West Carver Streets
Elm Street Lot
Elm Street & New York Avenue
Elks Club Lot
on Main Street just east of Stewart Avenue
Please note that Huntington Village also has metered parking. The meters are in operation from Monday through Saturday from 9:00 am until 8:00 pm. Please bear in mind that all on-street metered parking allows for a maximum of 2 hours. The 2-hour limit allows these spaces to turn over on a continual basis to provide the largest number of people the benefit of parking adjacent to their store of choice. Therefore, please be aware that "feeding" a meter to remain in an on-street parking spot is prohibited.